Bailey FItzpatrick

Bailey FItzpatrick



CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)

ProTrainings Certified in Adult, Child and Infant, Pediatric CPR/AED & First Aid

Youth Gymnastics Instructor

About Coach

Fitness has been a big part of my life from an early age. Following in my sister’s footsteps, I started competitive gymnastics at the age of 4 and continue the sport through college. Finishing my collegiate career and transitioning to graduate school took me across country. I didn’t know what the next phase of my fitness journey looked like, let alone life in general. In search of a new outlet and a sense of community, the summer of 2020, I found myself in a CrossFit gym. To say I fell in love with all that CrossFit has to offer would be such an understatement. Now, several life changes down the line, CrossFit really has become the foundation of my life. It’s not only helped me grow stronger physically and mentally, but it’s brought me amazing friends, opportunities, and a sense of belonging. In 2023, I took the next step in becoming a CF-L1 trainer in hopes to help impact others lives the way CrossFit has impacted mine. I’m super stoked to be here and so excited to meet you!

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

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